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ERA Brief filed in Supreme Court on behalf of 80 Amici Curiae

The ERA Brief of Amici Curiae was filed on 10-2-20 in the United States Supreme Court. [Read or download].

Attorneys, Gina Collias, Pam Parker, and I are honored to be able to participate in Equal Means Equal, et al. v. Ferriero, on behalf of eighty such esteemed and diverse Amici Curiae, to hopefully have the Supreme Court validate the ERA as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution.  The Supreme Court will decide whether to accept this historic ERA case in conference THIS FRIDAY,10-9-20.  [SCOTUS case #20-318].

We would like to get as much public attention for this case as possible before Friday, 10/9/20, so PLEASE share this Blog Post (and Equal Rights for Women: Will the Supreme Court Honor RBG with the 28th Amendment?) with anyone and post about the case on social media. Please see their website,, Twitters,  @ArlaineRockey, @EqualMeansEqual, and my Facebook page, /arlaine.rockey.7,  for more information about the case and for things to re-tweet or share.  Please use #ERA #ERANow #SCOTUS #EqualMeansEqual & twitter names above if they fit, or you can go to my Twitter & FB above & RT/share. Thank you.

Kamala Lopez, the President of Equal Means Equal (who also directed and produced the engaging ERA documentary Equal Means Equal, which is on Amazon Prime and streaming elsewhere) and their attorney, Wendy Murphy, are both available for interviews.  

Also, EME is having a virtual candlelight vigil leading up to and on Thursday 10/8/20 (5pm PST / 8pm EST) prior to the 10/9/20 vote in the Supreme Court on whether to accept the #ERA case.

There hopefully will be local ERA marches on 10/8/20 at 6pm or feel free to organize one!

This will be our best hope for getting the ERA in the Constitution for decades or longer — it’s already taken 97 years since it was first proposed in Congress! Please go all out to support this case!  Read the Brief of Amici Curiae for more information too.  Feel free to quote any of it and to post it.  See the list of all 80 of the Amici below.

Read EME’s Petition for a Writ of Certiorari asking the Supreme Court to take the case (it has all the legal arguments). The Supreme Court will decide in conference on 10/9/20 whether to accept this historic case.

The Amici Curiae are eighty, mostly non-profit organizations and associations, representing millions of members, volunteers, and dedicated staff from across the United States, including The Alice Paul Institute and the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Trust, which promote the legacies of two pivotal women’s rights activists in American history.

The Amici also include prominent labor affiliated groups such has AAUW groups, SAG-AFTRA, and Teamsters Human Rights; as well as human rights organizations such as NOW and ERA chapters, Niskanen Center, Global Indigenous Counsel, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP), and the National Women’s Political Caucus. See the full list below.

Although Amici have otherwise diverse views, they all promote equality for women in the law, society, education, workplace, and/or family. They collectively believe that the Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) is critical to bring women to full equality in our country. It is a notion, a value, and a right that is 244 years overdue.

Arlaine Rockey
Attorney for the Amici Curiae




1. Activism Caucus of The Association For Women In Psychology

2. Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice

3. Alice Paul Institute

4. Allies Reaching for Equality

5. American Association of University Women – Michigan Chapter

6. American Association of University Women of Florida

7. Campus Safety Advocacy Group

8. Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST)


10. Culture Reframed

11. Democrats Abroad

12. Dr. Bronner’s Family Foundation

13. Driftwood Kitchen Design

14. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Trust

15. ERA Minnesota

16. ERA Task Force Albuquerque Chapter of NOW

17. ERA-NC Alliance

18. Fairfax County Commission for Women

19. Fiduciary Trust International

20. Flora’s Refuge and Resource

21. Florida NOW


23. Fuerza Mundial Global

24. Fund for Women Artists, Inc. dba WomenArts

25. Global Indigenous Council

26. Hollywood NOW

27. Houston Women’s March On

28. Indivisible Worcester, Maryland

29. Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma

30. International Brotherhood of Teamsters (Human Rights and Diversity Commission)

31. Isle Of Wight County Humane Society

32. Joseph Mellicker and Judith Scheuer, New York, NY.

33. Kuta Intellectual Property Law, LLC

34. KWH Law Center for Social Justice and Change

35. L.I.N.D.A. Organization

36. MadMoms Fight For Justice

37. Michigan ERAMerica

38. Michigan Woman Forward

39. Mid County Psychological Associates

40. Moms Fight Back

41. Moms in Office

42. National Coalition Against Violent Athletes

43. National Congress of Black Women, Inc.

44. National Equal Rights Amendment Alliance

45. National Girls Health and Justice Institute

46. National Organization for Women-Seattle Chapter

47. National Women’s Political Caucus

48. New Jersey Crime Victims’ Law Center

49. Niskanen Center

50. Northern New Jersey NOW

51. Nurtured Parent

52. Organic Consumers Association

53. Pass ERA

54. Picture Social Justice

55. Real Estate Advisors Group

56. Republican Women for Progress

57. Rethinking Eve, LLC

58. ROADwomen


60. Santa Fe NOW

61. Senior Care Options, Inc.

62. Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP)

63. Sustainable Marin

64. Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP) Action Fund

65. The New Mexico [chapter of] Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (NMOLOC)

66. The Woman’s Club of Olympia

67. The Women’s Coalition

68. Trafficking in America Task Force

69. TransLatin@ Coalition

70. Turning Point Suffragist Memorial Organization

71. United Church of Christ

72. United States Hispanic Leadership Institute

73. Veterans For Peace

74. Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance

75. William C. Velasquez Institute (WCVI)

76. Wisdom Lotus Foundation Inc

77. Women NC

78. Women’s Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education Fund

79. Women’s National History Alliance

80. Zonta Club of Kenmore

If the Supreme Court accepts EME’s #ERA case, then we will be writing another brief for the Merits stage. If your organization wants to be added to the next brief, keep checking back, and send me an email at and put “ERA NEW AMICUS” with your organization’s name in the subject line and the type of organization it is with the website and contact info. Thank you.

Arlaine Rockey